What the Heck is Weekly Ongoing Campaign Maintenance?

Weekly Google Ads Campaign Maintenance Summary

Campaign maintenance is the ongoing process of reviewing and updating Google Ads campaigns to ensure they are running optimally and effectively. It involves tasks such as checking for disapprovals, ensuring campaigns are active, monitoring spam levels, resetting budgets, and evaluating optimization scores.

Our Approach

At Algorithm Digital Marketing, our approach may seem like wizardry, but it involves a lot of hard work and expertise. We focus on optimizing campaigns based on what the data tells us, identifying areas where ad spend can be more efficient and where we’re seeing great returns. Using this data, we refine and clean up campaigns, ensuring every dollar is well-spent. It’s a detailed and diligent process that sets the campaign up for success. While we aim to make it seamless and straightforward for our clients, the truth is that it takes significant analysis and effort. We just work to make it look easy, and that’s what makes us successful.

Importance of Campaign Maintenance

  • Regular campaign maintenance is crucial for several reasons:
    • Ensuring Ads Run: Disapproved ads or inactive campaigns will not generate traffic or conversions.
    • Brand Protection: Spammy ads or ads in the wrong location can harm reputation and lead to account suspension.
    • Optimizing Spend: Resetting budgets and reviewing optimization scores help maximize advertising investments. It should come as no surprise that Google is happy to spend your money, it’s us to make sure Google isn’t spending inefficiently and on the wrong things.

Weekly Campaign Maintenance Tasks

Our weekly campaign maintenance typically includes:

  • Account Asset Review: Checking for disapprovals and addressing issues causing them.
  • Campaign Activity Check: Ensuring all campaigns are eligible and running smoothly. Weekly query reviews are done to identify what queries were triggered based on the match types and keywords we are bidding on.
    • For instance: For a company that sells waste management equipment and wants to bid on that specific keyword, using the right match type will be critical to ensure you aren’t throwing money away by your ad being triggered for prospects seeking “waste management”. The intent of a prospect seeking “waste management” is very different than the prospect seeking “waste management equipment”. Why, you ask? Take a look, here and here, look at the difference of what comes up. One will click, charging you and est. $3-5 (some keywords cost $30/click), making the mistake of not remedying that keyword variance makes the difference between 1,000 clicks on an irrelevant query such as waste management costing you $3,000 for a search from a prospect who clicked that ad and bounced off of your site when they saw that you weren’t what they were looking for. 
  • Spam Check-In: Monitoring spam levels and if there are spikes, analyze what drove it and optimize to mitigate spam.
  • Budget Resetting: Resetting budgets to ensure campaigns fully utilize their daily budgets while not overspending. Also a regular performance review is done to allocate budget according to what drove the best results based on the client’s goals. We use our proprietary reporting tool to analyze this frequently. 
  • Optimization Score Review: Identifying areas for improvement in campaign performance.
  • Downstream Analysis and Optimization
    • Beyond weekly tasks, we conduct downstream analysis of Sales, Lead, and Opportunity data (based on data access) using Pulse Analytics, our proprietary reporting tool to further optimize campaigns. This involves identifying areas of efficient and inefficient spending and using our expertise to enhance campaign performance.
    • This also educates our plans for other strategic campaign opportunities, areas for improvement and ways to improved marketing dollar efficiency based on revenue driving activities.